NewsLittle Dots Daycare acquire Salt Box Music Co.

Little Dots Daycare acquire Salt Box Music Co.

It’s the start of a new era for Salt Box Music Co. as Lynsey Morris and Clair Taylor of Little Dots Daycare purchase the business with a commitment to continuing to provide first class music education for 0-4s.

Following the announcement that Salt Box Music’s founder Michelle Keating was moving on to a new career after 20 years at the helm, Lynsey and Clair were determined to keep the business running having worked with Salt Box Music for around 15 years. They felt strongly that, as well as being an important offering in their two Little Dots Daycare nursery settings, Salt Box Music Parent and Child classes are a significant part of many families’ early years experiences so wanted this to remain the case.

Lynsey Morris said “we have been passionate about Salt Box Music for many years, both professionally and personally, and feel that with our grounding in Early Years we are well positioned and very excited to continue the legacy that Michelle has worked so hard to build.”

Michelle Keating said “This is the perfect fit for Salt Box Music Co. and I am very happy to be leaving the business in Lynsey and Clair’s capable hands. With Clair’s foundation degree in Early Years Development she is perfectly placed to continue the lesson planning with the Early Years framework in mind – something which has been critical to Salt Box Music’s success and something I am extremely passionate about.”

Planning is already underway to continue Parent and Child music classes in September – further details will follow in the coming weeks.

Michelle, Lynsey and Clair are genuinely excited about the future of Salt Box Music Co.

Little Dots Daycare operate 2 day care nursery and education establishments in Witney and North Leigh.

Salt Box Music Co. provide fun and engaging music education for 0-4s.

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