
The Salt Box Music fun doesn’t stop just because children are on their summer holidays! Oh no!

What would a summer be without festivals, jamborees and extra baby classes after all?


Salt Box Music is proud to support local music festivals and other community events. In previous years we have had fabulous festival fun at the Charlbury Riverside Festival, Cowley Road Carnival, Eynsham Fun Day, Carterton Community Centre Fun Day and many, many more. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for the Salt Box Music Newsletter (as well as checking back here on this page, of course) for any upcoming events!


A Salt Box Music Jamboree is 45 minutes of musical magic, similar to our Family Classes but bigger and with a wider age range so siblings up to the age of six (and of course ex-Salt Box Musicians who miss the Speckled Frogs and Sleeping Bunnies) can join in the fun. Expect a jamboree jam-packed with songs, percussion, musical games, puppets, bubbles, world music and more!

Baby Classes

Look out for additional baby classes through the holiday periods, just the same as our engaging and educational term-time ones, these classes will have your little wriggler smiling and giggling as they start their musical journey.

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