Book now!Classes › Toddler Music

Toddlers just love to move so Salt Box Music Toddler Classes are designed to get them doing just that! Because young children learn best through play these fabulous 35 minute sessions focus on what they want to be doing and what feels fun for them. Expect a fast paced class focusing on action songs and movement expertly designed to grab the children’s attention and free their imagination all the while letting them enjoy using those newly developed motor skills!!

The relaxed and comfortable Salt Box Music class provides the best environment for your mini-musician to develop their early musical skills and engage in those all-important social interactions. Key social skills are developed in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework as children learn to make choices of which musical instrument they want to play picking from the big shared basket of percussion. They learn to cooperate, negotiate and share with their new friends then enjoy the fun rewards of making music together and moving to music from all round the world. They will also develop their language skills as they enjoy learning some catchy, rhythmic Salt Box Music songs.

If you can’t find a Salt Box Music Toddler Class to suit your toddler’s schedule (or yours!) take a look at our Salt Box Music Class Timetable.
Masonic Hall, Church Green, Witney
Community Centre, Trefoil Way, Carterton
Little Dots North Leigh

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