NewsPRESS RELEASE: Christmas Jamborees Raise £440 for 2 local charities


Over 80 Oxfordshire children gathered at Madley Park Hall in Witney on the Tuesday before Christmas to enjoy a Christmas themed music jamboree in aid of two very important Oxford-based charities. Salt Box Music Company asked their customers to nominate charities through its facebook page. There were many worthy nominations however the two charities that stood out to the Salt Box Music team were SSNAP and Kamran’s Ward (Oxford John Radcliffe Children’s Hospital). The total amount raised was £440 meaning £220 for each charity.

These charities have supported at least 2 of the children that currently attend Salt Box Music classes and their families.

Lynsey Purdie brings her daughter Isabelle to classes weekly and nominated SSNAP for the support they gave her and her family when Isabelle was born. Lynsey said, “Isabelle was born at 35 weeks and was cared for in the Unit for her first 10 days. The doctors and nurses are truly amazing, both in their care for their little patients and also the parents too. The funds SSNAP raise really make a difference to the families at a very difficult time”.

Charlotte Russell brings her youngest daughter to classes weekly but her nomination came from the experience she had of Kamran’s ward when her eldest daughter Eloise, now 6, was diagnosed with Leukaemia at just 21 months. “My daughter, Eloise, needed two and a half years of chemotherapy, mainly as an outpatient but sometimes she would be rushed in for antibiotics and monitoring. Amazingly, she enjoyed being on the ward; she loved playing in the play room and we could just try and be a bit normal. I know how valuable charity donations are to Kamran’s Ward.
I’m thrilled that Michelle and the team at Salt Box Music have offered to support the ward and tell our story.”

The Jamboree sessions were large and lively and tailored to the six-and-under audience and everyone left feeling extremely festive. Michelle Keating owner and founder of the independent music brand said “SSNAP and Kamran’s ward were a perfect fit as the charities for this year’s Charity Jamborees – our mini-musicians are the heart and soul of Salt Box Music so we are very proud to support local children’s charities that supported them”.


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