Charity Christmas Jamborees 2016

Charity Christmas Jamborees 2016

christmas-jamboree-new-class-fb-ad-01Salt Box Music Charity Christmas Jamborees are 45 minutes of musical magic, similar to our Family Classes but bigger and with a wider age range so siblings up to the age of six (and of course ex-Salt Box Musicians who miss the Speckled Frogs and Sleeping Bunnies) can join in the fun.

Expect a jamboree jam-packed with Christmas songs, Salt Box Music favourites (perhaps with a Christmas twist here and there), percussion, musical games, puppets, bubbles, world music and more!

Booking is essential as spaces are limited!

All fees from the Christmas Jamborees will be donated to two amazing good causes which have helped at least two Salt Box Musicians in the past:

SSNAP, the Oxford based charity that supports sick and premature babies in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital and
Kamran’s Ward (Paediatric Haematology and Oncology ward at Oxford Children’s Hospital on the John Radcliffe site)

Special thanks to Freeland Preschool who will be on hand selling refreshments in the entrance hall during and between the jamborees.

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