• Musical journeys start here!

    Sow your baby’s musical seed with little percussion in little hands and the perfect mix of bouncy fun and gentle songs, and plenty of bubbles too.

    Let's make music...

    Join your toddler learning new musical skills and making friends in an up-tempo 30 minutes of action songs, movement and fun activities.

    …Three and Four and…

    Be part of your pre-schooler’s early years development learning key skills through music, song and exciting new instruments!

    All Together Now!

    Fun and learning for all ages together with favourite Salt Box Music songs, activities, puppets and percussion.

  • Music Classes

    Share the Salt Box Music experience with your children as they develop their first musical talents in small, hands-on classes led by inspiring teachers with their big bag of world percussion, puppets and props! All classes are 35 minutes in duration.
  • Nurseries & Schools

    Fun and inspiring, structured music sessions for nurseries and schools supporting key areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Lessons planned and delivered specifically. FREE TASTER SESSIONS AVAILABLE!
  • Parties

    Entertaining and involving musical activities for children up to 6 years old led by a Salt Box Music Party Leader. Songs, games, instruments, props, puppets, parachutes, and bubbles of course make for a memorable party!

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